It's Friday, so it's time to play pick-a-pile! This week I have chosen a tough pile (I can' t believe I actually post my messes for the world to see!) You see, we have an island in our kitchen (think more along the lines of New Zealand than Bora Bora - it's big! Ten feet long big, literally). This island is far from deserted, it is where everyone and everything gathers. There is pretty much at least one person there for the entire day. This is where we eat breakfast and lunch and it is where 90% of all crafts, art projects and cooking projects are done. It is also where the mail gets put. Now, I know some of you reading this are neat-people - prepare yourselves so you don't have a coronary or something...

Why would I pick such a monstrous pile? Well, there are several reasons
1) I didn't do a pile last week, so this kind of counts as two.
2) It's raining and yucky outside.
3) I'm in a purging mood.
4) Evan has his book club tomorrow (not that a bunch of teenage boys would really care what my island looks like, as long as I feed them, they're good.
5) We are having some of Raelea's birth family over for dinner (not that they care either, but at least we won't have to push things out of the way to sit at the island).
Btw, Deb, that's your Chai tea in the foreground. I will get it to you soon :)

Don't you think the cake on the island is a nice touch? Thanks to Daniel and family for that!
Good Morning. We love you all. Tim says we can balance the pizza boxes on top of the piles.