Something New

So that I don't have to keep posting about our hamster's whereabouts, I have added a new site on the right of the blog titled 'Where's Blackberry.' If you see Blackberry there, she is in her cage, if you just see Chris's plaid shirt, Blackberry is on the lam. Now you will know within seconds of visiting my blog whether our hamster is detained or free.


  1. VERY CUTE!Is he hard to catch or does he come when he knows he is seen?

  2. He usually comes out at night and we set a live-animal trap. He walks right in to get the food and SNAP, he's stuck. I put him back in his cage in the morning. The way it works now is that he sleep all day and then escapes again the next night :) And we repeat the cycle....



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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.