Happy Birthday To Me

Well, since everyone else got their birthday mentioned on the blog, I thought I would wish myself a happy birthday, too!

I'm the last of the September birthdays for our family.  Now we have a month long break before the next pair of birthdays.

So, happy 22nd birthday to me - for the 25th time!  If your going to pick an age to be stuck at, you should pick a fun one.

Oh, and happy 14th birthday to Google, without whom I wouldn't have a blog.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BARB!!!!! Hope you had a great day .... filled with chocolate and love!

    :) KFoss

  2. Hope it was a good one. Is that your real birthday cake?

    1. Thanks, it was a good one, but no, that is just a stock photo of a cake! My real one was just as tasty though, I'm sure!

  3. Happy Birthday Barb! I hope you had a special day!


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 It was a good week.