I've Decided It Is Spring

Those of you from Minnesota know that seasons on the calendar mean nothing in real life here. Winter on the calendar always comes a long time after it came in real life and calendar spring is often greeted with snow and freezing temperatures, but not this year :-) Happily, we really are having spring weather and so I have decided to take the bold step of putting away all our snow boots, pants and, gasp, maybe even our winter coats (although I'll have to think about that one more, as I hate to be cold).

Not only have I packed away the snow stuff, I have also started germinating seeds for my garden. This is the first time I have ever started my plants indoors! You would think after gardening for all these years I would have done this before. Many years I thought about it, but in all honesty, we just don't have much room for that. The only semi-south facing windows in our house our in our tiny bedroom, which certainly has no room for a mini-greenhouse, unless we decided to sleep on the couch for a couple months.

Well, this year, my dear hubby (he's so sweet) bought a shelf and a grow light and got it all set up in the laundry room, so that is where my little seedlings will be erupting any day now. I'll try to post pictures soon.

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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.