Today! What an amazing day!
Despite getting to bed after midnight and having a less than restful sleep, I was able to crawl out of bed at 5:30 this morning with a hug from my ever patient husband waiting for me. After finding out that I forget to prep the coffee pot last night, I was able to quickly grind those beans and start the wonderful, magical coffee pot. Whilst the coffee was brewing I had the privilege of making lunch for my three kiddos who go to public school
After all that, I hardly felt worthy to sit down and get to read my Bible AND pray with my hubby before he left for work. Do you believe it?! It wasn't even 6:30 AM and I was already SO blessed.
The morning rushed by as I got to ride along while my permitted-driver child drove herself to work, deftly handling the construction zones on the way! What a privilege to teach yet another child how to drive. Back at home, I was able to hang my laundry for the day out on the line, thanks to the abundant sunshine and warm weather. Just looking at that laundry makes me smile!
Despite a late start, I was able to complete the school with the two at home AND correct their work from yesterday that I hadn't finished. That is a blessing, indeed!
After a very tasty lunch of amazing left-overs, I had time to do a 30 minute work-out where I only collapsed in exhaustion half a dozen times. To top it off, I was able to do the work-out without any modifications, a first since I injured my back a couple weeks ago! YAY for my chiropractor and a God who loves to heal our infirmities - AND my shoulder that's been giving me trouble hardly hurt at all!
There's still more amazingness left in my day, so I need to end here. I have groceries to pick up, children to drive places, dinner to make....
It's going to be an amazing night!
"Anyone can have one kid. But going from one kid to two is like going from owning a dog to running a zoo." - P. J. O'Rourke
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