Okay, so I was checking my e-mail tonight and somehow I ended up on YouTube. Ever have that happen?
You know, you're checking your e-mail and you get a notice from Facebook about someone's comment, so you go out to their Facebook page and they say something totally foreign (Thanks, Evan) and then you have to Google whatever it was they said. Pretty soon you are on some very funny person's blog about cute guys (and girls) in Lord of the Rings.
Well, then you're laughing so much that all your children pile into the room to read the funny blog with you. Now that they are all there in the room, one of them tells you about this really funny YouTube video (Thanks, Nina - oh, and thanks to Maggie for showing it to Nina in the first place).
SO, you watch the really funny video and decide that this kid in the video is so funny you have to watch some of his other stuff and then you watch some more and, well, maybe just one more....or two....and, lo and behold, 47 minutes are gone...
So, to save you time, I'll just send you to the very funny video...so now, I have to go say good-night to my girls who are up 1 1/2 hours past their bedtime!
"Anyone can have one kid. But going from one kid to two is like going from owning a dog to running a zoo." - P. J. O'Rourke
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Should I say thank you or I'm sorry?
Should I say thank you or I'm sorry?
Thank you, I think! I think Charlie is hilarious!