I was in a bit of a collision. Not the ordinary collisions where my swinging hand strikes his swinging hand resulting in lacerations on him from my giant diamond ring (okay, I don't have a giant diamond ring, but said collisions occur numerous times throughout our walks). Anyway, no, this wasn't one of those collisions. Nor was it a collision with our dog (or the dog we're dog-sitting) as they bolt off to chase after rabbits and such.
No, this was an entirely new sort of collision which resulted in no injury on my part. So, we're walking along this nice path through a park and suddenly out of the darkened sky comes a small black object which crashes into my arm and then (seemingly) disappears. After I scream and shout, "what the heck!" Chris informs me that he thinks I was just struck by a bat (the flying kind, not the baseball kind). Now bats kind of creep me out, so it took me a minute to get over my heebie jeebies. Then I got to wondering how a bat can crash into me when I'm a fairly large object and I wasn't moving at break-neck speed.
Poor little guy, I hope he's okay.
And now for a creepy bat picture to go along with this post...

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