Okay, maybe not, but aren't these little things cute? They are Irish small pipes, a cousin of the great highland bagpipes (which Evan normally plays). A friend in the band loaned Evan her small pipes and he has been playing them whenever he gets a chance.
They are much less strenuous to play (thus the lounging in the chair) and they are MUCH quieter,which is why he is playing them in the living room right now at almost 10:00.
Funny Evan story...
A couple weeks ago, Evan did a presentation about the bagpipes to our old homeschool co-op. He was all garbed up in his kilt and such and he played his bagpipes for the kids and told them all about the pipes. Well, we found out today that one little five year old boy who heard Evan that day was completely enamored with the bagpipes and Evan. His mother said that this little boy talks about Evan every day, every single day. Things like, "I wonder what Evan the bagpiper is doing now?" and "Do you think Evan eats this kind of cereal for breakfast?"
It's just too cute! This little boy has found a hero in a bagpipe playing 15 year old!
How wonderful that Evan has a fan. Maybe the boy will take up bagpipes later in life.