Well, Now I Know

It's room time here.  As I was just finishing up on the computer I heard Zoe calling me from her room.  That was strange since she is usually sleeping during room time.  I thought it wise to investigate (and tell her to lay down and go to sleep).  What should I discover when I opened her door?

Zoe, lying in her crib with her shirt off, her onesie off and her diaper most of the way off.  This is especially noteworthy since her pants were still on.  She somehow managed to unsnap her onesie and remove her diaper without removing her pants.  Now that's talent!

So, now I know that she is fully capable of undressing herself (at least when she is bored).


  1. very cute! good thing she did not have a diaper issue while she was learning her new skill!

  2. aww! I can picture that! how cute!


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.