While The Cat's Away...

Okay, so Chris isn't a cat, but here's what's going on at our house today while Chris, Evan & Nina are at the Rebelution.

First, I had a house full of princesses and wild cows (don't ask).

Later, Zoe had a run-in with a piece of chalk.  The chalk won.  

Raelea did some rock climbing.

And finally I was treated to a rousing rendition of The Nutcracker, starring Aidan as the nutcracker, Molly as the Mouse King and Emily as the little girl. It was lovely!

And that is all for now. Adieu!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had a fun day playing. And the Nutcracker sounds like something the kids will have to do for the rest of the family sometime. Mom


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.