Clothing Sizes

I bought a pair of shorts the other day.  They are two sizes smaller than the pants I wore in high school some 20+ years ago.  Now before you get to irritated by that statement, you need to realize that I weigh about 10 pounds MORE than I did in high school.  So my question is: how can I wear pants two sizes smaller and weigh ten pounds more?  I think the fashion industry is a conspiracy....


  1. Ok Barb.I wish I could say I was ONLY 10 pounds heavier than years ago.I kind of like that I could buy a smaller size than I actually am.The hard thing is when clothes run small and I have to buy a bigger size than I really am.That is depressing!

  2. That is depressing! I've had that happen too.


  3. you want to hear depressing!! I weigh 25 pounds more than I did when we got married 49 years ago and only wear 1 size larger. Sizing has gotten out of hand. Mom

  4. I'm irritated with you!! :)

    First, good for you for keeping in shape! :) My guess is that maybe you have more muscle (that weighs more than fat) .... so you're leaner, but heavier.

    Wish I had your genes. :) And I LOVE your blog!!!! You'll have to check out my post, whenever I get it done, about Grandma's Marathon this past weekend -- I thought about Aidan for a good chunk of the run -- you'll see why on the post! :)

  5. Oh, Kim, as flattering as it may sound that I have more muscle mass, sadly that is not true. I am a slug of the first degree - aside from running around after kids and doing lots of "weight lifting." (mostly of the kind with two arms and two legs. I probably do a hundred repetitions of those each day :) )



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 It was a good week.