Okay, I know I said I wasn't going to keep posting about the hamster,but this is getting so frustrating. So, at 10:00 last night, said hamster was asleep in his cage. At least I think he was asleep. Maybe he was just pretending to be asleep to throw me off his tracks. I saw his little body curled up in his cage and I did NOT mock him or taunt him this time because now I KNOW he has the upper hand. I just peeked in on him. Well, before bed I thought I would go and check on him and he was GONE! Sometime between 10:00 and 11:30 he flew the coup. The cage of course was all securely locked and all tubes in place. I kid you not, this place is locked tighter than Leavenworth. So, either he shuts the door behind him when he leaves (he wasn't born in a barn after all) or he is getting help from the outside (Snicker's was laying next to the cage looking strangely innocent) or one of my kids is letting this creature out (the three little girls are innocent as their bedroom is upstairs and they couldn't have snuck past me). Oh, I forgot, there could be some paranormal explanation...

After we catch that little rascal again, I am going to set up camp down there and watch the cage to see what happens. And to think, he does all this without opposable thumbs!

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 It was a good week.