Cold Sores

I managed to make it through 43 years of life without ever getting a cold sore until now.  I've got this big old mammoth one on my lip, so does anyone know any great way to get it to go away quickly?  How about a way to make it less painful?  These babies HURT!

Sorry to complain, it's just that I'm in pain and it's Monday and it's raining out...


  1. Take a high dose of lysine. Works every time. You can get it an nealy any drug store in with the nutritional suppliments

  2. Crystal,
    I sent the hubby out to pick up some lysine. Hopefully it will work. Wow, when you say high dose you really mean it! I looked up the dosage for treating cold sores and it said 3,000-9,ooo mg/day (that's like 6-18 tablets/day). I guess I'll be taking them like candy for a couple days :)

    Err, not that I eat that much candy...well, actually, I DO eat that much candy... I'll just stop now...


  3. Lysine and Abreva are my tricks -- my dh gets them all the time and I NEVER had one til I got pregnant with my first -- go figure. Abreva is expensive (I think about $14 for a tiny tube) but *sometimes* makes it not too severe and goes away in about 3 days. I wasn't so lucky this last time, it lasted the typical couple weeks. (ouch)

  4. Ok, unrelated comment -- on the chicken carrrot and potato dish, are the chicken breasts cooked ahead of time or just put in raw?

  5. Bummer-I have had them ALL my life and what I found to help prevent them is a daily dose of Lysine-1 500mg pill per day. It helps to prevent but also if I do get one, it is not so big, painful or long lasting-I also goop it up with abreva which helps! It seems odd that you would start getting them at this time in your life! Let me know how the huge dose helps with this one! I have not heard of doing that!---Happy rainy Tuesday! Tami

  6. Jean,
    Put the chicken in raw. It cooks quicker than the potatoes and carrots.


  7. Although I have never had a cold sore your dad is bothered with them quite often He has found Abreve to work the best and yes it is expensive for a little tube, but you don't use a lot. Good luck with getting rid of it. Love, Mom

  8. Tami,
    Thanks for the phone call :) It's nice to have someone commiserating with me.


  9. Okay, if Dad is bothered by them "quite a lot" how come I've never seen him walking around with a big, ugly, hideous sore on his lip (like I have at this very moment)?

    Looks like I will have to go to Walgreens (or Sam's club) to pick up some Abreva

  10. Sympathies on the "big ugly hideous sore" -- they are AWFUL, aren't they! and hurt like the dickens!!

    Guess we shouldn't be expecting a picture with this post??!!

  11. Jean,
    LOL about the picture! No, you won't be seeing it here. I think Chris was mortified that I even mentioned the cold sore in my blog, but hey, if I can't tell my blog friends about my cold sore, who can I tell?



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