Well, That Was Fun!

The Transit of Venus party was a great success!  Lots of food, fun and, of course, the transit of Venus.  What more could one ask for?

In case you were too busy partying at YOUR Transit of Venus party and missed actually seeing Venus transit, here is a picture of the event for you.

That little black spot...that's Venus...really, it is!  How cool is that?  (the rest of the dark stuff is the shadow of the telescope, if you're wondering)

As you saw in yesterday's post,  no Transit of Venus party is complete without many sun and Venus related food items.  In addition to the items shown yesterday, my guests brought: Starbursts, Milky Way, Sunny D, Sundried Tomato Wheat Thins, and another batch of Transit of Venus cupcakes!

I hope you had as much fun at your Transit party as we did at ours, and if you didn't have a party, well there's always next time....oh wait, forget that...bummer for you!

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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.