Just Cut the Cheese

For years and years I have used this kind of cheese cutter.

Now it has worked just fine, except for one little thing - the wire breaks.  We eat a LOT of cheese around here... a lot of it.  And therefore, the wire on the cheese cutter breaks on a regular basis.  This leaves us without a cheese cutter for days (sometimes weeks), and we are forced to cut our cheese with a regular knife.

This constitutes a major crisis in our home as the cheese slices start taking on strange shapes and dimensions.

Finally, a solution has been found to this kitchen dilemma.  Behold, a cheese knife...

Don't be fooled.  This is no ordinary knife.  Oh no!  It is made out of plastic and the blade does not stick to even the softest cheese and cuts through harder cheeses without hardly any effort.  It's a lovely thing to behold.  It truly is!

I wish someone had told me about such a thing years ago, so I felt obligated to inform you of its existence.

You're welcome!


  1. We have the same problem as I bet other HH do also! So do you get a commission if you sell any??! And, BTW, what kind is it and where do we get one?

    1. My hubby told me I should buy a bunch and then sell them for a profit :-). I won't do that to my blog buddies though! I got mine at a small kitchen store. I'm sure most kitchen stores carry them. Otherwise you can go to thecheeseknife.com.


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.