******RODENT ALERT******

Just when you thought it was safe to go into the laundry room....

What should mosey out from under the freezer?  Um, I'm not really sure what it was, although I did get a good look at it as it appeared to be in no hurry.  It was black, about three inches long and had a very short tail.  Definitely NOT a mouse.

I saw it again when it meandered back to its cozy little spot under the freezer.  It appeared one last time and scurried quite quickly into the storage room because of my loud protestations over its presence in my house.

So what exactly is this unwelcome visitor?  Molly theorizes that it is the offspring of our frequently wayward hamster and a lonely mouse, which would make it a "mamster" or perhaps a "house."  More likely it's a shrew or a vole.  I saw something that looked just like our house guest run across the snow the other night in our front yard.  Maybe it's the same one, who knows?  He looked like he was looking for a place to stay....

Upon further consideration, we have determined that our visitor is, more likely than not, a vole.

Isn't he cute?  The one I saw wasn't nearly this cute, and tomorrow he won't be nearly this alive either :-)

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 It was a good week.