
Now maybe this is just a homeschooler's thrill, but I am so excited because we bought a new (to us) storage cabinet this weekend for the school room!  Not only do I now have more shelf space; I can shut the doors and everything is out of sight (mine & the little hands that like to take things off of shelves).


  1. It must be a homeschooler's thing because I can understand the thrill!I would be very exited as well.Now can I be a snoop and ask what is on them there shelves?What books do you have?And good for you for putting those formula cans to use.One must get as much use out of those formula cans as possible.It seems that for the price of formula the cans would be made out of pure gold or something!

  2. I love shelves.

    And, I love doors that shut everything out of site.

    Put them together in the form of a cabinet with shelves and doors and you have something really special!

    It looks great.

  3. Linda, & Tina,
    I knew there would be people who understood my excitement! You gals are great!

    Yes, Tina, years after the last can of formula was served here, I still have some cans. THey are great! Perfect for storage, for making banks and other various children's toys - and to think, I thought I was just paying for the formula in the cans!

    Okay, as for what's on the shelves...

    The top shelf has my record keeping stuff; extra worksheets,etc for different subjects/grades; MACHE folder; and catalogues.

    Next shelf has the history books that we will be using for the year (that we actually own and won't be checking out from the library).

    Third shelf has math manipulatives (attribute blocks, pattern blocks, etc).

    Next shelf down we have science books, markers and miscellaneous stuff in the crate (teehee- you gotta love the crate of "miscellaneous stuff").

    And lastly, the bottom shelf has stuff for the little ones, preschool type games (phonics, easy math, etc)

    There you have it - an inventory of my new cabinet. BTW, keep a watch later in the year when said cabinet will no doubt appear as a pick-a-pile!


  4. Thanks for the inventory Barb.Organization is not something I was blessed with and it helps to see how you do organize things.The shelf is very nice!

  5. Formula cans -- who would have thought -- and to think of how many I have thrown out. :( Well, Lord willing, we'll have more formula cans some day to keep! :)

    I LOVE reading things that you do with/for/about/regarding school -- 'cause I store the information in my tiny brain for when the time comes in the Fosshold! So, keep blogging about this subject (and everything else you do!) :)

  6. Kim,
    Your time will come before you know it! As for formula cans - if Chris had his way they would all be tossed out this second. He HATES storing things like that for future use. I have to hide them in the depths of our storage room when I'm not using them :) and don't get me started on how useful paper towel rolls are...



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