National Night Out

After four years in this neighborhood, we finally got around to hosting a National Night Out event.  We had coordinated such events in both of our previous neighborhoods, but just hadn't got around to doing it here yet - until last night.  We opted for a simple, but tasty, ice cream social event.  We had a GREAT turnout and the kids' had about a months supply of sugar - so all in all I would call that a success :)

The girls all helped set up (the boys were at Aidan's football practice).
And then, McGruff, the Crime Dog came!  As you can see, Marcus & Raelea are a little leery of giant dogs in trench coats - that's probably a good thing. 
And from there, good conversation flowed and lots of ice cream was eaten.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, McGruff the Crime Dog came to our block party to frighten or confuse the small children, also. One little one upon seeing him thought it meant The Wiggles were about to appear!


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.