It's a Bagpiping Week

Hopefully this is not a taste of things to come, but in an eight-day period here Evan has six piping events!  Yikes!

If you haven't heard him pipe yet, here's your opportunity :)

On Thursday night he and the band will be performing at the Minneapolis Public Library for a Burn's Night Celebration on Friday evening he will be performing solos (his first solo) for the Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators (MACHE) conference at RiverCenter and on Saturday noon he and the band will be playing at the state capitol for Tartan Day (who even knew there was such a thing as Tartan Day?).  

My job - well, I need to wash and press his shirt between each of these performances (oh, and I guess I should wash his socks too), drive him to al these various locales and, of course, takes lots of pictures for the blog.


  1. That's the reason he needs to get his drivers license, so he can drive himself to these events. You only listed 3 what are the others? Let us know how he does. Love, Mom

  2. Let's see, the others are/were:
    Private lesson on Saturday morning
    Played at the MN Swarm game on Sat. night and
    band practice on Tuesday night

    There you have it, Evan's complete bagpiping schedule this week.

    Thankfully next week isn't quite so eventful.


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.