Go, Bears!

I haven't had any football posts yet this year :-(  Football season began while I was in Scotland and I just haven't gotten around to updating you all on Aidan's football experience this year. That is, until NOW.

This year, instead of naming the teams after pro teams they have named them after college teams, so this year Aidan is on the Baylor Bears :-)  Very cool since Baylor is in Waco, which is where Aidan is from!  Go, Bears!

Anyway, they had their first game tonight and it ended in a tie.  Their defense looks pretty good, but their offense will need some work.  It should be a good year :-)

No one can accuse me of not having team spirit!  Don't you like how the color matches their jerseys?
This is why Aidan was frustrated after the game.  Can anyone say "holding"?  Apparently the ref couldn't :-(, but alas, it's all part of the game.
That would be Aidan flying through the air in the middle of the picture :-)
Go, Bears!

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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.