Yes, our dear sweet bunny has flown the coop (or hopped the hutch)! We came home from the cabin yesterday and all was fine in bunny-land. I fed her and pet her and a few minutes later, someone looked out the window and noticed her cage door was open and Sweetie was GONE. (No I did not leave the door open, as I fed her by lifting up the top of the hutch.) I am still hoping she hops on back home, but I am not holding out a lot of hope. She is probably hopping around saying, "Free at last, free at last, praise God almighty, I'm free at last."
Before you shed any tears for our loss, it should be noted that Sweetie had a really annoying habit of spraying people if she was startled (which was just about any time people went near her cage). So, although we would never wish any ill will on our dear Sweetie, no one has shed a tear over her disappearance. Nina is already dreaming about a replacement pet (guinea pig or rabbit).
I'm very sorry to hear Sweetie is gone!Our rabbit excapes sometimes but does not have a clue he could just hop away no looking back.He just sits nexted to his cage waiting to get put back in.
ReplyDeleteOur's is not the brightest bunny around
I'm sorry to hear that, I hope that Sweetie is at least happy wherever she hopped off to...
Ummm, what is it with you and missing pets. Didn't Blackberry disappear for a few weeks? Maybe you should ask him/her where he/she was. Sweetie might be there. Perhaps you have a Pet Vacationland in your house/and-or yard that you are unaware of. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteWell, Linda, we have really smart pets or really unhappy pets who will do anything to get out of here. I'm not sure which it is.
ReplyDeleteWe are reasonably convinced that Blackberry does indeed have a vacation home under our steps. We've seen him pack his cheeks with food when he is ready to make a break for it. His cage has more "locks" on it than most houses! Alas, since Sweetie lives outside and Blackberry lives inside, I don' think they are in cahoots.
ReplyDeleteI suspect that Sweetie would have sat by her cage is Snickers and another dog hadn't taken to chasing her through the park!
ReplyDeleteHow do you take all this pet drama??? I have enough drama with 6 kids, and you have 8 kids and more pets than I can remember! (well, one less now!)
Ah, yes, pets are a great source of blog topics! If I didn't have them, what would I write about?????