It's All Connected

I was about to crawl into bed last night, when I realized I had not put a load of laundry in the washing machine.  Dutifully, I went downstairs to do that because if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to get all the clothes hung out on the line in time for them to dry by early afternoon.  If I didn't get them to dry by early afternoon, the kids wouldn't be able to fold them after room time.  If they couldn't fold them on time, they wouldn't have time to clean the house before Dad got home.  Then they would have to clean it after dinner which would disrupt family devotions.  If family devotions don't happen on time then we'd have to go for a walk later than usual and no one would get to bed on time.  Knowing all this, I dragged my tired body downstairs to throw in a load of laundry.

Upon entering the laundry room, I saw two (quite large and healthy) crickets who were startled by the light.  Being too tired to kill them at that point I let them live on to hop another day, but if I see them today - watch out!


  1. Barb, Isn't it amazing how one thing connects to another whether we do them or not. So why do we sometimes have a hard time just doing it! I hope you and your girls have a wonderful trip in the BWCA.

  2. Oh, poor Mom. I would have done it. But wait, I was asleep! Ha!

    I would have killed the crickets, no matter how tired I was. It just takes longer when I'm tired.

    Cheers, cause I'm still... yeah, yeah, you get the drift.



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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.