Date Night 2

Sound like a bad movie, doesn't it?  Actually, it was the perfect ending to a VERY busy weekend.  We didn't go to Fleet Farm this time for our date night.  Believe it or not, we do have other things we like to do (maybe not quite as much fun as going to Fleet Farm, but close).

This week for date night we went and shot some arrows.  A few years back we decided to take up archery as a family because it was something that Chris, Evan  & I could all do and the other kids would be able to grow into it.  We have an outdoor archery range about a mile from our house, so it is very convenient and cheap (once you have your bows).  We started off going quite regularly, but have not done it anytime recently - until last night.  Here's our target for the evening

And here's what little Lambie was up against...

Now before you start feeling too badly for little Lambie, remember that it has been a LONG time since we've gone out shooting... SO, now you can see that little Lambie didn't fair too poorly last evening.


  1. Just scrolling through blogs and yours was one of the few I could read! That's because it is in English. Admiring your family. I don't blog but a couple of members of my family do. Check out my daugher-in-law who has a dog like yours: And a niece who has children through international adoption: That is if you have time to read other blogs.
    I'll probably be back. God bless.

  2. Greta,
    Glad you found us. Come back and visit anytime. I will check out your daughter-in-law and nieces blogs as well :)



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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.