Five, Four!

Oops, yesterday was just too busy to put a countdown post out.  Let's see today, you must really meet the gang....

Of course, there's me, but you already know what I look like and you already know that I am quite a unique individual.  Let's see some of the other folks, shall we?

Here's my friend Sylvia!  She's one of the few people crazy enough to go with me on this little adventure.  Sylvia is so many things that I am not: artistic, sweet, beautiful and sugar-free.

Sylvia brings along her eldest son, Ben!  He is the sole male on this little trip, but I think he's up for the adventure.  Ben is one of Evan's best friends, so he can act as my surrogate son if I start missing my own sons to much.

Then comes Molly!  She is definitely the most rabid Mumford & Sons fan of our group (but there are others that are a close second).  Our goal for this trip is to get a picture of Molly with Marcus Mumford and Ben Lovett (in the band, not Ben above).

In Kansas City, we will be meeting the contingent from St. Louis which includes my sister, Kathy, who is amazingly like me in many ways - only slightly more....normal.

Kathy will be traveling to KC with her daughter, Maggie.  Maggie is an experienced concert goer who is going to help Molly's dream come true.

There you have it.  The six fanatical concert-goers.

And now, for your listening enjoyment...

"I know my call, despite my faults and despite my growing fears"

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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.