We Have A Winner!

Yes folks, we have a winner in the Guess What Barb's Kids Are Doing In Science Class contest. Mary Chantland! I will copy the answer here for those of you that don't read the blog on Facebook...

Mary Chantland said...
As for guessing with what it has to do with botany, maybe categorizing plants?

Yes, Mary, the children are learning about Taxonomy! The practiced their classifying skills by placing the shoes in kingdoms(by color), phylum(sandal/not sandal), order(adult/children) and class(dress/play). If we had gotten out all the shoes we probably could have classified all the way down to species, but I didn't want to have that many shoes laying out :-) Who knew that botany could be so much fun? Certainly not I. I am much more of an animal person than a plant person, although that might change after this curriculum.

Congratulations to Mary!! Special thank you to Tami and Jean for not shouting out the answer.


  1. Is it awful that I didn't even notice the shoes lying about their feet? We have shoes lying around like that all the time! All I saw was the binders.

  2. I think I've been homeschooling too long, I'm worried that I didn't use "lay" correctly in my last comment.


    I need to relax!

  3. Jen,
    I'm laughing out loud over here!! Yes, our foyer frequently looks like this even when we aren't doing shoe taxonomy. I can SO relate!

    As for lay vs. lie in the past tense I can never keep them straight. I think you got it right though....

    Ask your husband, he would know :-)

    Btw congratulations to him on his new position.

  4. Now this Mary isn't the sweet Mary Carlson from college is it? If you read this Mary Hi from Tina. My Carson Pirie Scott buddy. Hope all is well.


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.