Hi Barb, I finally have a list of 10 that most people may not know about me. You probably know them all.
1. When I was a teenager I went to stock car races with a friend whose brother raced.
2. I dreamt of going to Texas on a motorcycle (at first it was a horse until I figured that would take too long).
3. I got a D in PhyEd in college. My advisor thought I had skipped all of the classes (which I had not)because she could not think of any other reason a person would get a D in PhyEd.
4. I see images of animals and other things in ceramic tiles.
5. I like raw oysters and eat them often when in Alabama.
6. Same goes for boiled crawfish.
7. We still give our grown kids Easter Baskets with lots of candy. And we hide them.
8. I planned to run the Twin City Marathon when I was 50. But during training I developed a severe case of shin splints and had to cancel my plans. My longest run was 11 miles.
9. I received a PhD in Educational Administration when I was 50. That was a good year.
10. Although I take canoe trips in the Boundary Waters, I still do not know how to swim (and I do not wear a life jacket while in the canoe unless the water is very rough).
What my mom didn't tell you about her Boundary Waters trips is that she still carries the canoe over very long portages at 71 years old!!! And here is the picture to prove it! I told you she was AMAZING, didn't I?
Oh, and I should add that she has the IQ of a genius and she majored in math AND physics in college and ....I could go on and on...
I am VERY impressed.The apple did not fall far from the tree!