No Greater Love

"Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." - Jesus (John 15:13)

I've been pondering today.  Whenever that happens it produces a blog post :-)

I've been pondering dying.  Not the "keel over," sort of dying, but the "laying down your life for someone" sort of dying.  It all started yesterday after church when I talked to a friend.  This sweet friend has just brought two new kids into her family, as she was telling about how the adjustment is going, I couldn't help but think, "this is what it looks like to die."  It brought back many memories of when we first brought Marcus and Zoe home.  She didn't have to say too much to me; it only took only a few words for me to vividly recall and understand what she is experiencing.  The laying down of a life, her life, for another.

Later, we went to a Super Bowl party.  While the men watched the game, the women talked (and ate, but mostly talked).  These dear friends shared their trials (and their joys) of being a mom.  I sat with dying women.  What splendid company!

Today, as I pondered these thoughts, several of my children had "issues."  Some of these "issues" made school start late, they made lunch be served an hour and a half late.  Plans were set aside, the laundry did not get done, the house did not get cleaned, the dulcimer did not get played, the emails did not get read.  They made me die.  Laying down MY life for THEIRS.

And that is what love looks like.  It hurts.  It's hard.  It is so worth every sacrifice.

"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit."   -Jesus (John 12:24)


  1. Great thoughts, Barb. One more example of why I'm glad I married you!

  2. Keep preaching it, my friend!

  3. Thanks. I needed to read this. Let's die together!

  4. THANK YOU, for sharing, for your honesty, and for being you. Vicki

  5. Jen, it's a deal! No one should die alone :-) Vicki, Erica & Chris, you can join us!

  6. Thanks for the words to chew on today. I don't think I "die" enough - it's so easy to be selfish and forget that that is what I am here for.

  7. Great thoughts and words. Thanks for sharing!


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