Sand, Surf, Sun

That pretty much sums up our day! We started with sand.  Because of a stalled beach rejuvenation project, there is a giant pile of sand just down the beach from us.  We took advantage of this and did a little dune jumping.
And since we are missing the snow back home, Raelea made sand balls instead of snowballs.

Then we moved on to the surf, which I think consisted primarily of running away from the waves

Then Zoe decided to try the combined effects of surf & sand.  She discovered that sand, then surf works much better than surf, then sand.

Then came the sun...

which resulted in many rosy cheeks in our house.

My sympathies to all my Minnesota friends who are enduring a "wintery mix" of weather.  Spring will come soon, folks.  Really, it will!


  1. I cant find a link where i can subscribe to this blog, webmaster how can i follow your blog?

    Teddy Tschicke

    1. Teddy, thanks for the note. I just added a subscribe gadget under my picture on the left (at the top). If you would rather, you can receive The Zoo in your e-mail. The gadget for signing up for that is in the same place as the subscription gadget.

      Thanks for reading!



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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.