Strange Things!

So, Chris was at a work conference the past few days.  Nothing unusual about that, but he came home with some strange things - for a WORK conference that is.  Here is a list of some of the, er, rather unusual items they gave him at this conference:

- a classical music CD
- exercise bands
- a Pilates ball
- a whisk (a REALLY nice whisk, at that)
- a chocolate mousse mix
- a tomato-shaped timer
- many pins (although those aren't so unusual for work conferences)
- a messenger bag
- another bag sort of thing
- several books on rather non-work related subjects (exercise, diet, etc)

SO, do any of you find these items a little....bizarre....for a WORK conference?  ALTHOUGH, I can see how the exercise stuff would come in handy after eating the chocolate mousse....

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 It was a good week.