
About six months ahead of our orthodontia schedule (I bet you didn't know we even HAD an orthodontia schedule), Molly got her top braces put on yesterday. This is good news or it will be good new after the mouth aching goes away. Hopefully this means that her whole braces experience will end six months early, too.

So, here you have the before and after pictures...
This is how she feels right now...
And this is her beautiful smile...


  1. ooooh, poor Molly. I remember that feeling well. My mom used to put soup in my thermos and I'd sip it with a straw. Oh, and not quite cooked scrambled eggs. My choice then, but ewww now.

  2. Barb, I keep meaning to ask you if you have/want a recipe for crescent rolls. Didn't know if you had one, I've got a good (pretty) easy one.

  3. Jean, I would LOVE your recipe for crescent rolls - especially if it is easy :-)

  4. Jean, Btw, I LOVE your kitchen remodel!!


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.