A Boy & His Books

Ever wonder where Evan is the happiest? Well, when not playing his bagpipes, his favorite place is anywhere surrounded by books. Here he is on his bed surrounded by books AND his bagpipes, thus the very happy smile.I'm probably going to be in the Mom-sized doghouse for posting a picture of him in his room, but that's a chance I'll just have to take...


  1. Our kids would totaly understand why Evan's Narnia book takes the privilaged third place in the book stack just under his Bible and journal. A book like that should always be within easy reach.They would also understand Evan's thoughts that the bedroom should be a blog safe zone :~)

  2. No place is blog-safe around here :-)

  3. We share a favorite place, cousin. I need more book shelves, actually. LOL


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.