I'm Exhausted!

Whew, what a busy day! Not only did we have Raelea's kid birthday party today,we also had a few families over for a bonfire tonight. In between times, the leaves in the yard got raked up and the kids built a very cool leaf fort. All in all, a very fun but exhausting day.

I would be in bed right now, but I thought I better make a post because my computer is going into the shop tomorrow. I will be computer-less for who knows how many days :-( I guess I'll have to finagle time on Chris' laptop.

Anyway, here is a picture of the lovely ladies who came to Raelea's birthday tea party.
I am pleased to report that all of my tea cups made it through the party intact (no small feat with a bunch of 4-6 year olds) and, yes, they did in fact drink real tea.

Well, I don't know when I'll be able to post again, but I will be back sometime.


  1. Stephanie and Katie had a lot of fun! Thanks!

  2. Are Stephanie and Katie in the matching dresses? I should have noticed them before!

    What a fun party!


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.