We Have a Bigger Problem

My faithful blog readers will remember that we had a death in the house when the new year began. We thought that that took care of our unwanted rodent problem, but, alas, we were mistaken. And so the sage continues...

It was a chilly Friday morning when Chris arose and went to the basement to fix the malfunctioning furnace. Not knowing too much about furnace repair, he decided to do the one thing that he did know how to do, namely change the furnace filter. Said filters are stored in the storage room - a very cold, dark room off of the laundry room. Trips into the storage room in the winter are infrequent and brief. Chris, not being the wimpy type, boldly enters the frigid storage room to retrieve a filter and what should he see scurry across the floor and up the cement block walls, but a little furry rodent.

Upon replacing the filter, he comes and tells Barb as she stumbles out of bed, that we need to move the mouse poison to the storage room. To which she grunts and runs in to take a warm shower to thaw her frozen tootsies.

Ah, if the story would end here, it would be pleasant and a nice read for your little children, but, alas, it continues and grows darker and more disagreeable. And so we continue...

As is Barb's habit, she arose early on Saturday morning to provide sustenance for the family for the coming week. Upon returning from the grocery store, she met Chris at the door and he had this tale to tell.

"You're not going to believe what happened to me this morning!" At this point Barb is thinking, what could have possibly happened to him, it's only 8:00.

Chris continued, "I was going into the storage room to get the wrapping paper..." At the mention of the storage room, Barb's mind wanders to little furry creatures. "and as I was turning around and walking out the door, I saw a little mouse run across the floor and...right under my foot as I was taking a step." **Now is the time for all small children to stop reading*** "And I could feel it's little body squish and break under my foot. I quickly lifted my foot and it jumped up and ran under the shelves. I looked for it, but couldn't find it."

At this point in Chris' recounting of the events of the morning, two things occurred. Crying broke out from a couple of the girls in the room and Aidan shouted, "Oh Yeah, Dad!"

So, as you can see, our little kitchen mouse was not the only rodent uncaged in this house. I have been told in the past that if you are SEEING the mice, you've got more than a couple of them.


  1. Barb Is the furnace still not working? This is not the time for a furnace malfunction!! Although the mice maybe won't come in to be warm. Take care and stay warm. Mom

  2. No, the furnace is working again. Apparently changing the filter was all it needed.


  3. Hi Barb,
    Two other things we've done to keep mice away...douse some cotton balls in peppermint extract and put where they likely come in or typically go. They dislike it. Also, put out scented dryer sheets around those same places. Both seemed to work for us, as the mice this summer went away! I can't wait to hear what happens next in your eventful household!


  4. A few cats could do the trick or maybe just cat fur? I wonder if I could send you some cat fur to sprinkle around.The smell could scare them away. Erica's ideas sound a little better,though.

  5. Oh, how I/the kids would love a cat, but dear hubby says NO. Actually, we have many friends who are allergic and when we had our cat they couldn't come visit us. After she died we decided no more cats for that reason :( I have to tell you when we were hoping to see you on Sat. my kids were almost as excited about seeing your cats as visiting your kids!


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.