Of course, the kids wanted to run out and play in it, but I made them do school first - mostly to give me time to haul out the four VERY large bins of winter clothing items. Most of the time, I don't notice the difference in having, say, three kids versus having eight, but times like this when I need to get out winter clothes, it becomes very obvious that we have a lot more bodies in our house than we used to. Well, I haven' t the foggiest idea where we stored several of the pairs of boots. Maybe there's a fifth bin somewhere in the storage room - hiding. Our storage room is VERY full and rather dimly lit, so things hide in there quite well. There apparently is a mouse hiding in there as well, since I found "evidence" of him the other day .
Anyway, I personally am hoping for a nice warm-up tomorrow with a steady wind to dry everything out, so I can get my leaves cleaned up.
and we're presently under a tornado watch.