I Never Thought

*****WARNING*****Bodily functions are mentioned in this post, so if you are queasy about such matters or if you are sitting reading this while sipping tea and eating a scone, you may wish to STOP READING NOW!********

Okay, moms (there are only moms left reading after that warning - all the men and childless women have signed off this blog after reading that warning), there are many things I knew would come along with motherhood: changing poopy diapers, cleaning up throw-up, bandaging bleeding wounds, removing ticks and leaches, and all sorts of other unsavory jobs.   This next post is about something I NEVER signed up for.

Okay, so a child in our house (who will remain anonymous throughout this post for reasons which will soon become evident) has been experiencing very severe intermittent stomach cramps.  These have been doubled over in pain type of cramps.  Now being a mom not prone to alarm (I am not a hypochondriac when it comes to my kids, hmm), I waited for about a month before I brought said child into the doctor.  I need to tell you that this child was not in constant pain or anything, but child would double over in pain about once a day for about five minutes.  

Anyway, finally today, I brought Child to the doctor.  Doctor was very thorough and checked out many possible causes for the abdominal pain, but the current diagnosis is that said child's intestines are full (of what is normally in your intestines - poop).  I warned you this was going to get gross.  If you didn't believe me, well it's your own fault!

So, the remedy for such an ailment is that we (read MOM) needs to give Child an enema (now won't that be fun?)  not once, but twice - a couple days apart.  Eww, this does not sound like a fun part of being a mom (or a child for that matter).  Hopefully, it will take care of Child's pains though and Child will be healthy again with a sparkling colon.

Now you know why the video in the post below this one speaks to me :)

One last comment.  We have friends who have four kids (Tyler, Elly, Alec & Miles).  They thought it would be cute make a word with the first letter of their kids' names.  They came up with the word T.E.A.M., so they sign their Christmas card with the parents' names and then T.E.A.M.  We had five kids at the time (Evan, Nina, Molly, Aidan & Emily).  We thought we would try to come up with a word using the first letter of OUR kids' names.  We thought and we though and the only word we came up with was - you guessed it - E.N.E.M.A.  Somehow, we didn't think that would fly on our Christmas cards....


  1. Does it have to be an enema?? Wouldn't a suppository or an laxative work? Long term do you need to feed the child more fiber? I never had to give any of you kids an enema and I thank god for that to this day. How does the child feel about this? Mom

  2. Yes indeed, enema it is! Then after the two required enemas we will be giving Child a mild laxative every day. Child did well on his first enema - what a trooper! One down, one to go :)


  3. mmm, good times. Seriously why do moms get all the fun jobs?



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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.