Shopping Day

Saturday morning is grocery shopping time. I usually get up and out the door before anyone else is up, at least during the school year. During the summer, I have more time during the week and will sometimes go on Friday afternoon. Strangely, I have to drag myself out of bed to do this task, but my kids jump at the opportunity to rise early and accompany me.  They LOVE grocery shopping!  Okay, I thought you might get a laugh out of our refrigerator after I put the groceries in it.
It's not easy fitting 8 1/2 gallons of milk in a side-by-side refrigerator! As you can see, I am putting my Industrial Engineering degree to good use. Not just anyone could pack a fridge like this! The amazing thing is that by the end of the week, this will almost be empty.

P.S.  Check out Friday's Pick-a-pile.  I'm so proud of myself!


  1. Way to go, Barb! :) Looks like any school loans you may have had were worth it! :) :)

  2. Oh, yes, well worth the money spent! You should see my freezer :)

  3. Ok Barb,even I am speachless.I think we are underfeeding our kids.They would rather eat your week of food than ours.I did figure out we go through at LEAST 28 dozen eggs and 12-16 whole chickens a month.Jeff was thinkig we need a second fridge in the next year or so but it looks like you will need a second one VERY VERY soon!

    PS. I hope you are feeling better


  4. Tina,
    I think your kids are fed just fine! Wow, 28 dozen eggs! That's a LOT! I think we only go through eight dozen in a month.

    No second fridge in our future. Chris says they use up too much electricity! Looks like I'll have to continue perfecting my packing-it-in techniques.



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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.