What SHOULD I Be Doing

Here are the 5 things I SHOULD be doing instead of blogging and checking my e-mail
1) Preparing a lesson for the science class I teach at co-op tomorrow.
2) Filling out adoption paperwork. Yes, there is more paperwork even after the kids get here.
3) Cleaning off my kitchen counters. I know I have counters under all that stuff...
4) Taking a nap. That would be productive because I will be up late preparing for co-op.
5) Folding laundry.

Okay, now I feel guilty, so I think I will go ..... eat some chocolate. You thought I was going to say " get to work on those things," didn't you????

1 comment:

  1. Oh no,eating chocolate is definitely the thing to do, especially if you are by yourself and can get to your hidden stash without anyone noticing:)!!


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.