Strange, But True

Okay, here's the deal. When I need to change Zoe's diaper or get her dressed or put lotion on her or comb her hair get the idea....she pitches quite the little screaming fit. You would think I was torturing her or something. She doesn't do this for Chris at all. Hmmmm. The really weird part is I can tell her, "no fuss," or "hush," a thousand times and get no response, but when Chris or EVAN even walk in to the room her little tizzy fit stops - immediately! She is as happy as can be. They leave the room and the fit resumes right where it left off. They walk in - it stops - and so on and so on. If I am combing her hair and she is crying, Chris says, "No fuss, Zoe," and presto, no fussing is heard!!!!!

So, I sit an analyze this...did she have a good OR bad experience with a male or female???? Could go either way on that one. Maybe she loved her nannies so much and she knows I am NOT one of them so she is punishing me or maybe she hated her nannies and I am female like them so she is punishing me. Okay, the latter is so not true, she adored her nannies! Who knows? Chris thinks its a hoot. I am not quite as amused for obvious reasons

1 comment:

  1. Barb,I can SO relate.In our case Jeff is the one who Grace will fuss and scream around.I'm the one who can tell her to stop fussing (or even just enterig the room will do it) and she will.My theory in our case was that Grace's mother might have been a little harsher and she really never had a father figure around so that is why she listens better to me and not Jeff.I'm not sure,though.Hang in there!


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