Picky Eaters

My dear hubby sent me this and I thought it was definitely blog-worthy.

Do you have a picky preschooler whoʼs avoiding their
At the Cornell Food and Brand Lab we recently completed a
study that showed that giving vegetables catchy new names –
like X-Ray Vision Carrots and Tomato Bursts – left preschoolers
asking for more. We conducted the study with 186 three to fi ve
year olds who when given carrots called “X-ray Vision Carrots”
ate nearly twice as much as they did on the lunch days when
they were simply labeled “carrots.” The study also showed the
infl uence of these names might persist. Children continued to eat
about 50% more carrots even on the days when they were no
longer labeled X-Ray Vision Carrots. Cool names can make for
cool foods,” says lead author Brian Wansink, Director of the
Cornell Food and Brand Lab. “Whether it be ʻpower peasʼ or
ʻdinosaur broccoli trees,ʼ giving a food a fun name makes kids
think it will be more fun to eat. And it seems to keep working – even the next day.”
What does this show us? Three to five year olds are gullible. (No offense Raelea & Marcus). Now I wonder if this works with spouses and older kids???

1 comment:

  1. What would you call sour cream? I'm thinking Chris still would not be fooled. He is a pretty smart guy. Oh, that's right he was the one who sent you the article. For sure wouldn't work on him.


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