And So It Begins

When the Precision Demolition trailer pulls up to your house in the morning, you know you are in for an interesting day.

And so we were.  The house underwent a bit of a transition in the ten hours that trailer was parked out front.  
The living room went from this...

To this.

The deck disappeared completely, 

only to reappear in a heap on the front lawn.

And the chimney, well, we won't be needing that anymore in the absence of the fireplace.

Aside from being a little noisy, okay a lot noisy, when they were jackhammering the brick out of the living room, the whole thing wasn't too disruptive to our day.  Toward the end, their plastic sheet kind of failed and the house got a bit, shall we say, dusty, but all in all, it wasn't too bad.

Monday, we've been told, is the beginning of the digging phase.  This should be fun!

1 comment:

  1. Well they say September is Archeaology month. Happy Digging.


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.