I Am Not Alone

While I was away, Chris met a man who lives around the block from us.  While chatting with this neighbor, Chris mentioned that our dog's name was Mumford, and the man said, "There's a great band by that name!"  :-)

After chatting for awhile, Chris found out that this gentleman is traveling to Kentucky in August to go to a Mumford & Sons concert.  :-)  This made me smile!  It also made me say, "You see!  I'm not the only one!!"

Now, for those of you that are not joining me in Dixon (or going to any of the other concerts), I present to you a sample of WHY people travel across the continent to go to a M & S concert.  You don't have to watch the whole thing, but at least listen to two songs.

Our experience will be similar - only in English!


  1. I enjoy Mumford & Sons too. They are one of my favorite Pandora stations.

    1. Paula, I think you're my clone! Did you know they are doing a concert in Lincoln in August?

  2. That must be some other Paula up there! But I was just going to say "I love Mumford & Sons!" But I'm not big on concert going because the seething mass of humanity is to overpowering. So you'll just have to share the experience via blogging when you go. :)

    1. Whoa! I have more than one Paula reader and they both like Mumford & Sons?! How cool is that?! As for the seething mass of humanity...yes, their concerts are, shall we say, very sardine-like. And it will probably be 90 degrees....I'll let you know all about it! Supposedly, Dixon is going to rig up free wi-fi for the festival. We'll see how that goes...but, if it works I'll give a play by play of events :-)

  3. I am so jealous. Wish I could be there too. REALLY I do. I'll be there in spirit!


    1. Oh, Kathy, I wish you and Maggie could be there, too!! It is going to be AMAZING!! I'll call you from the concert (before M&S come on).


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.