The LIttle Things

If you're like me, when you see something that needs to change, you want it done right away and completely.  When I see an area in my life that needs to be changed, I want the change to be immediate, thorough, and never to return.  Same goes for things that I would like to see change in my children.

Unfortunately for me, this rarely happens!  What follows then is discouragement...wanting to give up.

I am learning, ever so slowly, to start celebrating the little victories, the small amounts of progress...any thing praise-worthy, no matter how small.  For instance, if I hypothetically had a child who responds with outbursts of anger whenever he perceives that he is being wronged, I can celebrate the one time during the day when he exercised self-control or overlooked a wrong.  I can celebrate that small victory even if there were a dozen failures throughout the day as well.

My mind naturally focuses on the failures of the day (my own and my children's), so it is an exercise of my mind to focus on the victories.  I need to stop expecting things to change completely overnight, in a week or month, or even over years.  It truly is three steps forward, two steps back.

Unrealistic expectations are a sure fire way to be discouraged.  Getting my expectations in line with reality keeps me from getting discouraged. 

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.     -Philippians 4:8

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 It was a good week.