You Can Read Anytime

A certain daughter of mine shared with me tonight that she is MORTIFIED that some of her friends read my blog.  Apparently, she thinks my blog should only be read by middle-aged moms!  Hmm!  She actually forbade her friend from reading my blog!  Can you believe it?

Well, I am here to say to all my children's friends, "You may continue to read my blog all you want!"  You will find all sorts of interesting and useful tidbits of information out here! Read a way!


  1. Too funny Barb! My kids do not read my blog cause they think it is so momish and I make them sound like little kids...well, so says one 17 year old anyway. Actually,Jeff does not read my blog either...hmmm. So you are lucky indeed!

    I do hope you are feeling better today. I had a hard week too. Hang in there!

    1. I'll tell my kids they should be honored that their friends like my blog!! Ha! Chris reads my blog to find out what's going on in our family! Actually more to find out what's spinning around in my head. A you know, communication time is sparse with a house full of kids!


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.