All In A Day's Work

Lots of stuff happened around here today.  Just look and see -

Chris was hard at work doing lawn repair.  Our dear puppy spends most of her days doing lawn destruction!

Nina's salon was open for business as she colored and highlighted my sister's hair.

Brother-in-law Peter and his arborist friend, Mike, took down a large tree in our backyard.  Btw, if you live in Minnesota and need some tree work done, Mike & Peter do excellent work!  Just let me know and I will get you in touch with them.

Molly's henna salon did a booming business as well, and many of us are now sporting henna tattoos.

And when all the work was done, the kids got to go for a ride in the basket of the truck.


  1. Funny Barb!I just noticed we both have the same Saturday blog post title!! Your Saturday work was a tad more taxing than ours!

    1. That's funny!! Your post is cuter! :-). Personally, my day yesterday was easy. I just wandered around and took pictured and hung out with the kids and my sister watching everyone else work!


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.