I'm Furious

Okay folks, I am a pretty laid back person. I overlook a lot of things, BUT there are a few things in life that get my gander up. For those of you that think that racism is a thing of the past you NEED to read this article.

We all need to be furious after reading this! I am speechless (which doesn't happen often).


  1. That is disgusting! I couldn't even finish it. Too angering!

  2. That is disgusting! I couldn't even finish it. Too angering!

  3. I was shocked by this. I'm thinking that the swim club is in SOOO much trouble. And rightfully so.

  4. Yes, they are in trouble! If you google the name of the club you can get email and contact info. I'm thinking they are going to get an earful over this (not that that will change their views - but it will give them opportunity to change their policies)

  5. Barb, I heard about this on TV today and could not believe it. This country has a long way to go before racism is eliminated. Mom


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.