
Okay, it's pretty sad when the best way to talk to my hubby is via e-mail! He rarely answers his phone at work for obvious reasons and when he's home I rarely remember the things we need to discuss (logistical stuff), so I've resorted to e-mail. This even after he and I went on a date just two nights ago.

Sad, but true!


  1. Hey, here I am! I'm stuck in meeting-land! ;-(s

  2. Meeting-land? Sounds kind of like the twilight zone...

    Love you!

  3. I do not think it is sad because we do that too! Or maybe it is sad for us as well? It must be a part of the large family thing,right?

  4. story of my life. also, when we are both home, there are just so many kids around talking, that we cant talk to one another. at least he reads your blog!

  5. If he didn't read the blog he'd have no idea what went on around here all day :)


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.