So Long...

No blogging tomorrow, we'll be in the car ALLLLLLL day. If you think of us, pray for safe travels and alertness for Chris & I as we drive, particularly if you are awake , oh, say around, 2:00 AM on Monday. That's about when the trip gets really grueling. Chris is bringing his laptop, so I will be able to blog from the beach :) Now doesn't that sound like fun??

Love you all!


  1. Safe travels! You will be in our prayers. Have a great vacation.

  2. Have a fun trip! I'm glad you will blog while down there. Hope to see some good beach pictures!

  3. It is 4:12 on Monday. How are you doing on the driving? Praying now for your safe travels and alertness!

    Did you bring Snickers to?

    A little early morning conversation...I went out with Elena Sunday afternoon to pick out her very first pair of high heel shoes for a Father/Daughter ball this next Saturday. It was just so sweet.I love having a 14 year old.She was so exited she wore them for the rest of the day around the house.I will never forget this shopping trip.

    Do you only use conditioner in Zoe's hair or do you shampoo and condition?

  4. Tina,
    Thanks for your prayers! We arrived safely and have had a nice relaxing day here.

    How fun getting Elena high-heels. Our kids are growing up!!

    No, I don't use shampoo on Zoe's hair most of the time. I pretty much do the same thing I do with Emily's hair - condition, rinse, condition, comb and then I put in some oil of some sort before I put her hair up.



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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.