The Laundry Cycle

I've been thinking lately about how laundry around here is like the water cycle. Just a quick refresher for my husband and others, the water cycle is the term used for water evaporating from lakes forming clouds, condensing, and coming back down as rain to fill up the lakes again (there's your elementary science lesson for the day - last post it was grammar, now it's science!).

Anyway, back to the laundry. Here's how it goes. On Friday evening, my laundry basket looked like this Not too much there, since Friday was laundry day. Shall
 we say, most of the laundry has 'evaporated?'

Okay, so then a strange thing happens 
on the way to Saturday morning, because in the morning, after chores, the basket looks like this.   A regular 'downpour' of laundry has occurred!  Sheets and clothes 'pouring' out of every room of the house.

By Saturday evening some 'evaporation' has again occurred, but not nearly enough because by Monday morning the deluge has really hit (no 'evaporation' occurs on Sunday at this house).  Now it is  probably hard to imagine how so much laundry could evaporate in one day, but Monday is a good day for evaporation around here.  

By dinner time Monday, almost all the laundry has again 'evaporated' as you can see. 

Now you might ask, what happens to the laundry after it 'evaporates'?  Well, here you see the laundry 'condensing' in the kid's bins, on the
 clothes line or the elliptical machine (I knew I spent $800 for something important).


By betime, (almost) all of the laundry has 'condensed' and joined with the other 'droplets' of laundry in the 'clouds' known as dressers and closets, waiting to rain down upon the laundry room again.  The End.  I wish, but it never ends, it just keeps happening over and over and over.....


  1. I'm going to have to get me one of those elliptical machine drying posts. I use the railing by our front door so our guests are often greeted with evaporating laundry.

    Oh, and yeah, you are the BEST science teacher.

  2. Barb, you are SOOOOO funny...I'm not a fan of blogging...yet...but you sure make it look fun. I get on your blog site when I have a minute or two...waiting for the water to boil...waiting for the baby to poop...waiting for the child to spell the word know how it goes. Anyway, it gives me a minute or two of entertainment to read about your exploits. This laundry thing had me smiling from ear to ear. Well, the baby pooped, so I guess I'll be going. nat

  3. Nat,
    I only post when I'm trying to hide from the kids. Just kidding, kind of. Actually, I find this very therapeutic and it's cheaper than seeing a therapist. It's kind of like writing my Christmas letter 365 days of the year.


  4. Barb,
    I love your laundry pile!I actually spent quite a few minutes looking at it last night.Even Jeff had to come look.I just LOVED it!Now do you truly only have the one basket?

  5. Tina,
    I was afraid someone would be taking a closer look at the laundry. I didn't look closely to make sure no one's underwear was hanging out! Wouldn't my kids be mortified to know that their underwear was on my blog! No, we don't just have one basket. If you could see under the giant pile of laundry, you would find two baskets there.



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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.