A New Chapter

This fall we will be embarking on an entirely new adventure.  Aidan will be going to public school.  He wanted to go this year, but we never got the ball rolling.  Well, the ball is officially rolling for him to start in September.  He selected his elective classes, and we even went on a tour of the school today.

Actually, next year I will only be teaching four children at home!  Wow!

Seven years ago I was bumped from  three to five students when Aidan & Emily started school.  Eventually Marcus & Raelea were added, but Evan moved on, so I had six students for a time.  This year I'm back down to five, as Nina and Molly are doing school on-line (so they're home, but I'm not the one teaching them).

Here's the run-down of who's doing what next year:

  • Evan will graduate from the University of Minnesota in May, so hopefully he will be gainfully employed (and moved out) by fall.
  • Nina and Molly will probably be doing PSEO (Post Secondary Enrollment Option) at a local community college.  They will complete their high school years there while accumulating college credits (for free).
  • Aidan will be at the local middle school.
  • Emily, Marcus, Raelea and Zoe will stay with me here at home, having to endure their crazy teacher/mom.
I'm thinking that this is going to be a good arrangement for everyone....and if not, we'll change it.


  1. Isn't it kind of unsettling how time moves on? And it all has gone SO quickly! I know it is all good but still the time racing forward and things changing...remember when we were the 'new-be-s' and looking up to those ladies who were a few years ahead of us? I could never imagine what is would feel like to be in their season of life...and now here we are!!! Crazy!!! I enjoy those younger school grades. You will have fun next year. Love you!!

    1. Yes, we're getting old, Tina! I am looking forward to doing more field trips and stuff- things that got pushed by the wayside as I had more kids in school, and the older ones didn't have time for days at the zoo, etc.

  2. I'm the "new-be" Tina's referring to. :) Love you, Johnson crew!! Can't wait to see you sometime for a visit; baby will be here really soon .... we'll have to come to see you late Spring/early Summer! BTW, Barb, Miles is doing speech through the school district -- we just started the actual "appointment times" in our home (after weeks/months of their assessment, paperwork, etc). He doesn't have any words yet, but at least signs "more" now and says "m" when he does it. So....it's slow, but progressing. Thanks for your guidance from a few months back. Miss you guys!
    :) Kim

    1. I'd hardly call you a new-be, Kim! I mean soon you'll be a mom to five! But, you certainly aren't an old geezer like myself! (of course, Tina isn't either! She just tops the kids tally :). )

    2. Sorry, for the multiple post response. The iPad is being weird! Anyway, we would LOVE to have a visit from your lovely family! Did they ever label Miles' speech delay or are they just treating it as a general delay?

  3. They're calling it Developmental Speech Delay (for a while they were (not sure if they still are?) talking about it potentially being a mouth muscle thing ... and somehow the fact that he didn't/doesn't sign is also linked to that??) -- seems weird to me to have that link, but hey, I'm not a speech pathologist. :) Her goal for him is 10-15 words by August as she said he's cognitively able to do that. He'll be 2 y/o in June. We'll see....she only comes 2x/month (their caseload is to be 12 per person, and she has 22 cases!!) so we're doing most the work (which also makes sense as we're with him 24/7). He's such a cute boy, if I do say so myself.... :)

    1. If you don't feel that's enough, I'd look into private therapy as well. More frequent therapy helps, I think.

  4. Great idea, Barb. Thanks!!!

    :) Kim


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.