The Cost

Chris & I are getting away this weekend for some much needed couple-time.  I can't tell you the last time we spent more than a few hours away from the kids.  We're not doing anything fancy, just going to the cabin for some peace and quiet, and no running water.  Kind of like camping, except with a bed to sleep in...and electricity...and wifi.  Okay, it's not too much like camping at all.  The price is right - free.

Just because there is no monetary expense for this little time away, there is a cost.  The cost we are paying is challenging behavior from our child that still doesn't trust us yet.  The cost I pay for getting a weekend away with my hubby is temper tantrums over math problems, temper tantrums over dishes, temper tantrums over just about anything.  I'd rather pay $1000 than have to deal with this (just being honest here), but $1000 isn't going to fix the problem.  Patience, time, love, reassurance - those will help to stem the tide of the emotional meltdowns, and those are costly things that money can't buy.

It will all be worth it, I just look forward to getting through this next day and a half!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you enjoy your weekend before you get back to the tantrums. :)


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 It was a good week.